Mil-Mi26 Helicopter transportation of new catamaran Alinghi 5

vendredi 25 décembre 2009

Alinghi launches its giant catamaran by helicopter. Alinghi 5, the Swiss America’s Cup Defender’s new catamaran, was lifted out of the tent where it was built in Villeneuve, Switzerland, and into the air by a Mil Mi-26 helicopter, the biggest and most powerful in the world, to be launched on Lake Léman.
Cliquez pour voir la vidéo de Yannick BartheThe Mil Mi-26 (Russian Ми-26, NATO reporting name Halo) is a Soviet/Russian heavy transport helicopter in service in civilian and military roles. It is the biggest and most powerful helicopter ever to have gone into production.
Shooted with a Sony HVR-Z1 in Lausanne Airport and Le Bouveret (Switzerland). This footage is not graded. Filmed and edited by Yannick Barthe,

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