HELI-EXPO 2010 Helicopter Fly-In

mercredi 5 mai 2010

Here is a condensed video compilation of the helicopter fly-in at HELI-EXPO® 2010 in Houston, Texas. Forty-six helicopters ranging in size and design from two-seaters with reciprocating engines to a twenty-one seater with twin turbines landed in the parking lot adjacent to the George R. Brown Convention Center in downtown Houston.

Safety briefings were conducted each morning by HAI flight ops. and safety representatives along with an air traffic control representative from Hobby Airport, who helped guide show-bound helicopters through the busy sky over Houston. The diligence of pilots and ground crews made this year’s EXPO another fun and incident-free event.
We look forward to seeing our members fly in next year for HELI-EXPO® 2011 in Orlando, Florida !

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