Une cellule d’Alouette 3 en vente sur Ebay

jeudi 9 avril 2009

This fuselage is from an Alouette 316. It was built by Sud Aviation in 1970 with the specification number : Mfg. No. RSN-132, Type 316 O-S, Assembly No. 2410-000-08 AC. The fuselage contains a cyclic, collective and rudder pedals, the hydraulic actuators, the main fuel cell with pump and quantity sensor, the main landing gear assembly minus one oleo strut and the wheels, the nose gear assembly with wheel and tire. Additionally, the fuselage has all doors, side windows (no nose windows), all outside steps, extra skin panels and one extra cabin door. The airworthy condition is unknown and it is being offered as is.
It is located at the Ramona Airport, California

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